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Australia Public Holidays

Discover upcoming public holiday dates for Australia and start planning to make the most of your time off. Select a year below or scroll down to choose your state.

Australia celebrates seven national public holidays that are recognised in each of the eight states and territories. However, each state also has its own public holidays that are recognised in their region. Some of these holidays may be the same as other states or simply celebrated on different days.

2025 Holidays

1 JanWedNew Year's Day National
8 JanWedDevonport Cup TAS
27 JanMonAustralia Day Holiday National
10 FebMonRoyal Hobart Regatta TAS
26 FebWedLaunceston Cup TAS
3 MarMonLabour Day WA
4 MarTueKing Island Show TAS
10 MarMonLabour Day VIC
10 MarMonCanberra Day ACT
10 MarMonAdelaide Cup Day SA
10 MarMonEight Hours Day TAS
18 AprFriGood Friday National
19 AprSatDay following Good Friday National except TAS & WA
20 AprSunEaster Sunday National except TAS
21 AprMonEaster Monday National
22 AprTueEaster Tuesday * TAS
25 AprFriAnzac Day National
5 MayMonLabour Day QLD
5 MayMonMay Day NT
2 JunMonWestern Australia Day WA
2 JunMonReconciliation Day ACT
9 JunMonKing's Birthday National except QLD & WA
4 JulFriAlice Springs Show Day NT
11 JulFriTennant Creek Show Day NT
18 JulFriKatherine Show Day NT
25 JulFriDarwin Show Day NT
4 AugMonPicnic Day NT
13 AugWedEkka Wednesday * QLD
26 SepFriAFL Grand Final Friday VIC
29 SepMonKing's Birthday WA
3 OctFriBurnie Show TAS
6 OctMonLabour Day ACT, NSW & SA
6 OctMonKing's Birthday QLD
9 OctThuRoyal Launceston Show TAS
17 OctFriFlinders Island Show TAS
23 OctThuRoyal Hobart Show TAS
3 NovMonRecreation Day TAS
4 NovTueMelbourne Cup Day * VIC
28 NovFriDevonport Show TAS
24 DecWedChristmas Eve * NT, QLD & SA
25 DecThuChristmas Day National
26 DecFriBoxing Day National except SA
26 DecFriProclamation Day SA
31 DecWedNew Year's Eve * NT & SA
Visit for the original release.

2026 Holidays

1 JanThuNew Year's Day National
7 JanWedDevonport Cup TAS
26 JanMonAustralia Day National
9 FebMonRoyal Hobart Regatta TAS
25 FebWedLaunceston Cup TAS
2 MarMonLabour Day WA
3 MarTueKing Island Show TAS
9 MarMonLabour Day VIC
9 MarMonCanberra Day ACT
9 MarMonAdelaide Cup Day SA
9 MarMonEight Hours Day TAS
3 AprFriGood Friday National
4 AprSatDay following Good Friday National except TAS & WA
5 AprSunEaster Sunday National except TAS
6 AprMonEaster Monday National
7 AprTueEaster Tuesday * TAS
25 AprSatAnzac Day National
27 AprMonAnzac Day Holiday WA
4 MayMonLabour Day QLD
4 MayMonMay Day NT
1 JunMonWestern Australia Day WA
1 JunMonReconciliation Day ACT
8 JunMonKing's Birthday National except QLD & WA
3 JulFriAlice Springs Show Day NT
10 JulFriTennant Creek Show Day NT
17 JulFriKatherine Show Day NT
24 JulFriDarwin Show Day NT
3 AugMonPicnic Day NT
12 AugWedEkka Wednesday * QLD
28 SepMonKing's Birthday WA
2 OctFriBurnie Show TAS
TBA AFL Grand Final Friday VIC
5 OctMonLabour Day ACT, NSW & SA
5 OctMonKing's Birthday QLD
8 OctThuRoyal Launceston Show TAS
16 OctFriFlinders Island Show TAS
22 OctThuRoyal Hobart Show TAS
2 NovMonRecreation Day TAS
3 NovTueMelbourne Cup Day * VIC
27 NovFriDevonport Show TAS
24 DecThuChristmas Eve * NT, QLD & SA
25 DecFriChristmas Day National
26 DecSatBoxing Day National except SA
26 DecSatProclamation Day SA
28 DecMonProclamation Day Holiday SA
28 DecMonBoxing Day Holiday National except SA
31 DecThuNew Year's Eve * NT & SA
The dates in this table are from multiple sources. Please choose your state below to view original source.

2027 Holidays

1 JanFriNew Year's Day National
6 JanWedDevonport Cup TAS
26 JanTueAustralia Day National
8 FebMonRoyal Hobart Regatta TAS
24 FebWedLaunceston Cup TAS
1 MarMonLabour Day WA
2 MarTueKing Island Show TAS
8 MarMonLabour Day VIC
8 MarMonCanberra Day ACT
8 MarMonAdelaide Cup Day SA
8 MarMonEight Hours Day TAS
26 MarFriGood Friday National
27 MarSatDay following Good Friday National except TAS & WA
28 MarSunEaster Sunday National except TAS
29 MarMonEaster Monday National
30 MarTueEaster Tuesday * TAS
25 AprSunAnzac Day National
26 AprMonAnzac Day Holiday National except NSW, TAS & VIC
3 MayMonLabour Day QLD
3 MayMonMay Day NT
31 MayMonReconciliation Day ACT
7 JunMonWestern Australia Day WA
14 JunMonKing's Birthday National except QLD & WA
2 JulFriAlice Springs Show Day NT
9 JulFriTennant Creek Show Day NT
16 JulFriKatherine Show Day NT
23 JulFriDarwin Show Day NT
2 AugMonPicnic Day NT
11 AugWedEkka Wednesday * QLD
27 SepMonKing's Birthday WA
1 OctFriBurnie Show TAS
TBA AFL Grand Final Friday VIC
4 OctMonLabour Day ACT, NSW & SA
4 OctMonKing's Birthday QLD
14 OctThuRoyal Launceston Show TAS
15 OctFriFlinders Island Show TAS
21 OctThuRoyal Hobart Show TAS
1 NovMonRecreation Day TAS
2 NovTueMelbourne Cup Day * VIC
26 NovFriDevonport Show TAS
24 DecFriChristmas Eve * NT, QLD & SA
25 DecSatChristmas Day National
26 DecSunBoxing Day National except SA
26 DecSunProclamation Day SA
27 DecMonChristmas Holiday National
28 DecTueProclamation Day Holiday SA
28 DecTueBoxing Day Holiday National except SA
31 DecFriNew Year's Eve * NT & SA
The dates in this table are from multiple sources. Please choose your state below to view original source.

— South Australia and Northern Territory have a part-day public holiday for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve from 7 pm to 12 midnight.
— Queensland has a part-day public holiday for Christmas Eve from 6 pm to midnight.
— Easter Tuesday is a restricted public holiday in Tasmania. Observed by some awards/agreements and the State Public Service. To check award ring Fair Work Infoline on 131394.
— Ekka Wednesday is observed in Brisbane area only.
— Melbourne Cup Day is observed in all of Victoria unless alternate local holiday has been arranged by non-metro council.

Choose your state or territory

Australian Capital TerritorySouth Australia
New South WalesTasmania
Northern TerritoryVictoria
QueenslandWestern Australia

Public holiday law is determined by each of the states and territories of Australia. The federal government has established only the seven official holidays and has granted each area their own power to create additional holidays for their areas.

The Fair Work Act of 2009 requires that all employers provide additional pay to their employees that are required to work on a public holiday. Most work contracts in Australia provide employees with a pay rate of double and one half their normal per hour rate for all work completed on a holiday.

Commerce is restricted or prohibited on some national holidays such as Easter and Anzac Day morning. And, if an employee is required to work on public holidays due to their job, they are still entitled to the premium pay rate for holiday work.