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Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day 2024, 2025 and 2026

The eleventh day of November has been known as Remembrance Day in Australia since the end of World War II, but was originally called Armistice Day in 1919. At first, it was meant to specifically honour the heroes and fallen of World War I, but today, it is aimed at honouring all soldiers who fought and died for their country in years gone by.

202411 NovMonRemembrance Day
202511 NovTueRemembrance Day
202611 NovWedRemembrance Day
202711 NovThuRemembrance Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Remembrance Day is not a public holiday but it is nevertheless on the minds of people across the country every 11 November. The main event is a minute of silence. Everyone across the country stops whatever they are doing exactly at 11am to observe a moment of silence to remember past wars and those who have fought and died. This is done, then, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year.

Also, it is traditional to wear poppies on Remembrance Day. Today, most wear plastic ones instead of real ones. Special memorial services are held at war memorials all over Australia on this day, and bugles play The Last Post at these memorials.

Previous Years

202311 NovSatRemembrance Day
202211 NovFriRemembrance Day