Start Planning
Western Australia

WA Public Holidays

View upcoming WA public holiday dates below and start planning to make the most of your time off.

2025 Holidays

1 JanWedNew Year's Day
27 JanMonAustralia Day Holiday
3 MarMonLabour Day
18 AprFriGood Friday
20 AprSunEaster Sunday
21 AprMonEaster Monday
25 AprFriAnzac Day
2 JunMonWestern Australia Day
29 SepMonKing's Birthday
25 DecThuChristmas Day
26 DecFriBoxing Day
Visit for the original release.

2026 Holidays

1 JanThuNew Year's Day
26 JanMonAustralia Day
2 MarMonLabour Day
3 AprFriGood Friday
5 AprSunEaster Sunday
6 AprMonEaster Monday
25 AprSatAnzac Day
27 AprMonAnzac Day Holiday
1 JunMonWestern Australia Day
28 SepMonKing's Birthday
25 DecFriChristmas Day
26 DecSatBoxing Day
28 DecMonBoxing Day Holiday
Visit for the original release.

2027 Holidays

1 JanFriNew Year's Day
26 JanTueAustralia Day
1 MarMonLabour Day
26 MarFriGood Friday
28 MarSunEaster Sunday
29 MarMonEaster Monday
25 AprSunAnzac Day
26 AprMonAnzac Day Holiday
7 JunMonWestern Australia Day
27 SepMonKing's Birthday
25 DecSatChristmas Day
26 DecSunBoxing Day
27 DecMonChristmas Holiday
28 DecTueBoxing Day Holiday
Visit for the original release.

Western Australia currently celebrates 10 national holidays – including one that is unique to the state, Western Australia Day. The labour laws of Australia provide all employees with a paid day off for public holidays.

Any holiday which occurs on the weekend is moved to the following Monday for observance. If there are two holidays in a row, the celebration of the weekend national holiday is moved to the next available workday.

Celebration of the Queen’s Birthday is the only holiday that may be substituted in some small regions of Western Australia. However, this is a very limited practice.