South Australia Public Holidays
Discover upcoming public holiday dates for South Australia and start planning to make the most of your time off.
Public holidays in South Australia are regulated by the Industrial Relations Department and are updated by publication in the Government Gazette. The law was originally enacted in 1910 and has since been amended 17 times – the last amendment being made in 2012.
The Holidays Act 1910 provides 9 official public holidays for South Australians every year. This is in addition to every Sunday of the year – which by law are public holidays in South Australia. According to the law, the Governor may also proclaim special one-off public holidays for the whole state or parts of the state. And they may also choose to change the observed date of any given public holiday by substituting the holiday on another day in the year.
If a public holiday falls on a weekend, a replacement or substitute holiday is awarded on the first Monday following the designated holiday. Territorial and regional holidays are observed in South Australia, the entitlement to which are determined by an employment or Award contract. Most employers allow time off for Adelaide Cup Day, Queen’s Birthday and Labour Day.