Start Planning
Northern Territory

NT Public Holidays

View upcoming NT public holiday dates below and start planning to make the most of your time off.

2025 Holidays

1 JanWedNew Year's Day
27 JanMonAustralia Day Holiday
18 AprFriGood Friday
19 AprSatDay following Good Friday
20 AprSunEaster Sunday
21 AprMonEaster Monday
25 AprFriAnzac Day
5 MayMonMay Day
9 JunMonKing's Birthday
4 JulFriAlice Springs Show Day
11 JulFriTennant Creek Show Day
18 JulFriKatherine Show Day
25 JulFriDarwin Show Day
4 AugMonPicnic Day
24 DecWedChristmas Eve *
25 DecThuChristmas Day
26 DecFriBoxing Day
31 DecWedNew Year's Eve *
Visit for the original release.

2026 Holidays

1 JanThuNew Year's Day
26 JanMonAustralia Day
3 AprFriGood Friday
4 AprSatDay following Good Friday
5 AprSunEaster Sunday
6 AprMonEaster Monday
25 AprSatAnzac Day
4 MayMonMay Day
8 JunMonKing's Birthday
3 JulFriAlice Springs Show Day
10 JulFriTennant Creek Show Day
17 JulFriKatherine Show Day
24 JulFriDarwin Show Day
3 AugMonPicnic Day
24 DecThuChristmas Eve *
25 DecFriChristmas Day
26 DecSatBoxing Day
28 DecMonBoxing Day Holiday
31 DecThuNew Year's Eve *
Visit for the original release.

2027 Holidays

1 JanFriNew Year's Day
26 JanTueAustralia Day
26 MarFriGood Friday
27 MarSatDay following Good Friday
28 MarSunEaster Sunday
29 MarMonEaster Monday
25 AprSunAnzac Day
26 AprMonAnzac Day Holiday
3 MayMonMay Day
14 JunMonKing's Birthday
2 JulFriAlice Springs Show Day
9 JulFriTennant Creek Show Day
16 JulFriKatherine Show Day
23 JulFriDarwin Show Day
2 AugMonPicnic Day
24 DecFriChristmas Eve *
25 DecSatChristmas Day
26 DecSunBoxing Day
27 DecMonChristmas Holiday
28 DecTueBoxing Day Holiday
31 DecFriNew Year's Eve *
The dates in this table are an estimate. We will update this page once the official public holiday dates for 2027 are released.

*Northern Territory has a part-day public holiday for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve from 7 pm to 12 midnight.

In the Northern Territory, public holidays are determined by statutes, employment agreements and the newly-enacted Australian awards program. Workers in the Northern Territory are entitled to 11 paid holidays per year.

If a public holiday falls on a weekend, a replacement or substitute holiday is granted on the first working day of the following week, usually a Monday, If an employee is required to work on a public holiday, compensation is paid at a rate equal to two and one-half times the normal salary. This is referred to as a “penalty rate.” In the event a public holiday falls during a worker’s designated annual leave, replacement days are credited.